CLEAN GULF brings together emergency response professionals to share information and ideas on a variety of topics that affect the oil & gas industry in the Gulf Coast region and beyond. It is the perfect opportunity to network with your peers away from the stressful challenges of a response and build connections with people you might work with during a future event.
The CLEAN GULF exhibit hall features a wide array of companies offering practical solutions, emerging technologies, and services to help you better prevent, prepare, respond and recover to oil and other hazardous materials spills. Check out what companies have already booked their space for CLEAN GULF 2024!
Stay up-to-date on best practices and regulations, obtain practical solutions, and learn from past incidents through case studies with sessions focused on response, planning and preparedness, ports and maritime, emerging trends, dispersants, response research, and training and exercising. Check out what sessions are planned for this year’s conference.
The CLEAN GULF Conference & Exhibition brings together stakeholders from oil & gas, maritime, rail, environmental companies, and regulatory agencies who are actively looking for practical solutions, emerging technologies, and services to help them better prevent, prepare, respond and recover from environmental emergencies.
Contact Renie Mayfield at 720-289-7008 or to secure your booth.
>> View more information on exhibiting at CLEAN GULF.
Alabama Department of Environmental Managament
Florida Department of Environmental Protection
Louisiana Oil Spill Coordinator's Office
Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality